September 2023

Explain with examples the individual, social and national aims of education. In the context of Globalization, how the aims of education are changing? Explain

Best Answer: Education serves a multifaceted role in society, encompassing individual, social, and national aims. These aims have evolved over time, and globalization has significantly impacted their trajectory. In this essay, we will explore these aims and their transformation in the context of globalization. Individual Aims of Education: Social Aims of Education: National Aims of […]

Explain with examples the individual, social and national aims of education. In the context of Globalization, how the aims of education are changing? Explain Read More »

Question: Critically analyze the factors leading to implementation of Educational Policies ? ( In 500 words )

Best Answer: The implementation of educational policies is a multifaceted process influenced by several critical factors. A closer examination of these factors sheds light on the complexities and challenges inherent in executing educational policies effectively. Educational Policies’ Historical Context: Educational policies often evolve over time in response to changing needs and priorities. This historical perspective

Question: Critically analyze the factors leading to implementation of Educational Policies ? ( In 500 words ) Read More »

Examine the inter-relationship of duties and rights within liberal thought.

ANSWER: Examination of the Inter-relationship of Duties and Rights within Liberal Thought Within liberal political philosophy, the inter-relationship of duties and rights is a complex and nuanced topic. Liberalism, as a political and moral framework, places a strong emphasis on individual rights, particularly the rights to liberty and property. However, the concept of rights within

Examine the inter-relationship of duties and rights within liberal thought. Read More »

Examine political science as a science.

ANSWER: Examination of Political Science as a Science The classification of political science as a science has been a subject of debate and discussion among scholars and practitioners for centuries. To examine political science’s status as a science, we need to understand the characteristics, methods, and goals of this discipline and evaluate whether it meets

Examine political science as a science. Read More »

Last date to Apply Online for TEE December-2023 is 15-Oct-2023 18:00 PM without Late fee.

The December, 2023 Term-end Examinations of the University is likely to commence from 01st December, 2023 and conclude on 06th January, 2024 (30 working days). Online link for submission of the examination form (TEE, PROJECTS SUBMISSION & PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS) by the students for December-2023 Term-end Examination is now open along with the schedule and necessary

Last date to Apply Online for TEE December-2023 is 15-Oct-2023 18:00 PM without Late fee. Read More »

“The pattern of structural change in the Indian economy has deviated from the development pattern of Western and South Asian economies.” Examine this statement.

ANSWER: The statement asserting that the pattern of structural change in the Indian economy has deviated from the development pattern of Western and South Asian economies holds true when we closely analyze the trajectory of economic transformation in India. This examination involves comparing the structural changes in India’s economy with those in Western and South

“The pattern of structural change in the Indian economy has deviated from the development pattern of Western and South Asian economies.” Examine this statement. Read More »