
This website, ignoucorner.com, is an independent platform and is not affiliated with Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) or any other educational institution. Its primary objective is to provide support to distance education students in their studies. We source our information from various news portals, newspapers, social media sites, and other outlets that report on Educational Institutions and Exams. Consequently, we cannot guarantee the completeness, reliability, or accuracy of this information, as it is collected from diverse sources and is subject to change. Nevertheless, our team exercises meticulous care and cross-checks the reliability of the information with multiple sources before posting it on the website.

Please note that the material provided on this site is intended for reference purposes and to assist you in your coursework. However, there may be occasional human or technical errors in the content. We recommend using this material as a supplementary resource and encourage students to consult official sources for definitive and up-to-date information related to their courses and educational institutions. While we strive to provide accurate and valuable content, we do not take any responsibility for the use or reliance on the information provided on this website. Users are advised to exercise caution and verify critical information from official sources.

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