Explain the concept of Reliability of a test. Describe the process for determining reliability of a test by using Test-retest and Parallel-form methods?

Best Answer: Reliability of a Test Reliability of a Test The reliability of a test is the degree to which it consistently measures what it is intended to measure. A

Explain the concept of Reliability of a test. Describe the process for determining reliability of a test by using Test-retest and Parallel-form methods? Read More »

What are the various tools and techniques of assessment of learning mathematics? Discuss any three tools for assessment in mathematics with the help of examples. (500 words)

Best Answer: Assessment of Learning Mathematics: Tools and Techniques Assessment is an integral part of the teaching-learning process in mathematics. It helps teachers to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses, track

What are the various tools and techniques of assessment of learning mathematics? Discuss any three tools for assessment in mathematics with the help of examples. (500 words) Read More »