Explain the meaning and need of conducting action research in Social Sciences? Describe the steps of conducting action research with an example from Social Sciences at the secondary level.

Best Answer: Action Research in Social Science

Introduction: Action research is a dynamic methodology employed in the social sciences, particularly in education. It serves as a powerful tool for educators to address classroom challenges, enhance teaching practices, and foster positive learning experiences. In this assignment, we will explore the concept of action research, its significance in social sciences, and outline the steps involved in conducting action research, using a real-life example from the secondary education level.

Section 1: Understanding Action Research

1.1 Definition and Characteristics Action research is a systematic, problem-solving approach aimed at improving practices and solving real-world issues. Its key characteristics include reflection, collaboration, and a cyclical process of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

1.2 Historical Context Action research finds its roots in management but has gained prominence in education. Stephen Corey is a notable advocate who recognized its potential in the field of education.

Section 2: The Need for Action Research in Social Sciences

2.1 Professional Development Educators in social sciences must engage in action research to stay updated with subject developments and refine their teaching skills. This continuous reflection is essential for becoming reflective practitioners.

2.2 Addressing Classroom Challenges Classroom problems and obstacles can hinder effective teaching and learning. Action research provides a structured framework to identify, analyze, and address these challenges, ultimately improving the quality of education.

Section 3: Steps to Conduct Action Research

3.1 Step 1: Identifying the Problem

  • The first step involves recognizing a specific challenge or issue within the educational context.

Example: In a rural secondary school, there’s a prevalent issue where students in classes VI to X score less than 30% in map-related questions in school-based examinations, highlighting poor performance in map identification and labeling.

3.2 Step 2: Analyzing the Problem

  • The next phase entails investigating and understanding the root causes of the identified problem.

Example: Possible causes of poor performance include a lack of teacher knowledge in map reading, insufficient teaching resources like maps and atlases, and student disinterest in social sciences.

3.3 Step 3: Proposing Solutions

  • In this step, potential solutions to address the problem are formulated.

Example: Recognizing a lack of teacher knowledge in map reading as a significant issue, solutions may include teacher training, hands-on map reading sessions, and resource procurement.

3.4 Step 4: Planning for Intervention

  • Detailed plans for implementing the chosen solutions are developed.

Example: A plan is devised for six practical map reading sessions, covering topics such as map scales, types of maps, and map elements. Pre-tests and post-tests are administered to gauge improvement.

3.5 Step 5: Evaluation

  • This final step involves assessing the effectiveness of the interventions and recognizing success.

Example: After the intervention, scores are analyzed, and students and teachers displaying the most significant improvement are acknowledged and rewarded with atlases to sustain their map reading skills.


Action research is celebrated for its structured methodology, which equips educators to adeptly navigate classroom hurdles. The case study serves as a compelling testament to the applicability of action research in resolving secondary education challenges. This approach stands as an indispensable asset for educators committed to personal development and the enhancement of educational excellence. By continually contemplating teaching methods, identifying issues, and executing precisely tailored remedies, action research brings advantages to both teachers and students alike. This iterative process nurtures a culture of ongoing progress and stimulates innovation in the realm of education, ultimately crafting a more vibrant and proficient learning milieu.

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