What is problem solving skill in mathematics? Discuss the steps involved in the process of problem solving in dealing with mathematical problems

Best Answer: Problem Solving in Mathematics

Problem solving in mathematics is the ability to apply mathematical knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems. It involves a variety of cognitive skills, such as critical thinking, logical reasoning, and creative thinking.

Steps involved in the process of problem solving in mathematical problems:

  1. Identify the problem. The first step in solving any problem is to identify the problem itself. This involves understanding what is being asked and what information is given.
  2. Develop a plan. Once you have identified the problem, you need to develop a plan for solving it. This may involve brainstorming possible solutions, choosing a solution strategy, and identifying the steps that need to be taken.
  3. Execute the plan. Once you have a plan, you need to execute it. This involves carrying out the steps that you identified in the previous step.
  4. Evaluate the solution. Once you have executed your plan, you need to evaluate the solution to make sure that it is correct. This may involve checking your work or verifying your answer.

Here is a more detailed explanation of each step:

1. Identify the problem.

This involves understanding what is being asked and what information is given. It is important to read the problem carefully and to identify all of the relevant information. You may also want to try to rephrase the problem in your own words to make sure that you understand it.

2. Develop a plan.

Once you have identified the problem, you need to develop a plan for solving it. This may involve brainstorming possible solutions, choosing a solution strategy, and identifying the steps that need to be taken.

There are many different solution strategies that you can use, such as:

  • Guess and check: This strategy involves guessing at a solution and then checking to see if it is correct. If it is not correct, you guess at another solution and check again. This process continues until you find a solution that is correct.
  • Working backwards: This strategy involves starting with the answer and then working backwards to the problem. This can be a helpful strategy for problems that are difficult to solve from the beginning.
  • Drawing a diagram: This strategy involves drawing a diagram of the problem to help visualize it. This can be a helpful strategy for problems that involve geometry or other visual concepts.
  • Using formulas and equations: This strategy involves using formulas and equations to solve the problem. This is typically the best strategy for problems that involve numbers and calculations.

3. Execute the plan.

Once you have a plan, you need to execute it. This involves carrying out the steps that you identified in the previous step.

If you are using the guess and check strategy, you will need to guess at a solution and then check to see if it is correct. If it is not correct, you will need to guess at another solution and check again. This process continues until you find a solution that is correct.

If you are using the working backwards strategy, you will need to start with the answer and then work backwards to the problem. This may involve using formulas and equations to solve the problem.

If you are using the drawing a diagram strategy, you will need to draw a diagram of the problem to help visualize it. This may help you to identify patterns or relationships that can be used to solve the problem.

If you are using the using formulas and equations strategy, you will need to identify the relevant formulas and equations and then use them to solve the problem.

4. Evaluate the solution.

Once you have executed your plan, you need to evaluate the solution to make sure that it is correct. This may involve checking your work or verifying your answer.

For example, if you are solving a math problem, you can check your work by substituting your answer back into the problem to see if it works. You can also try solving the problem in a different way to see if you get the same answer.

If you are solving a word problem, you can verify your answer by making sure that it makes sense in the context of the problem. You can also try to think of other possible solutions to the problem to make sure that your answer is the best one.


Problem-solving is an important skill in mathematics. By following the steps involved in the process of problem solving, you can learn to solve mathematical problems more effectively.

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