
Last date to Apply Online for TEE December-2023 is 15-Oct-2023 18:00 PM without Late fee.

The December, 2023 Term-end Examinations of the University is likely to commence from 01st December, 2023 and conclude on 06th January, 2024 (30 working days). Online link for submission of the examination form (TEE, PROJECTS SUBMISSION & PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS) by the students for December-2023 Term-end Examination is now open along with the schedule and necessary

Last date to Apply Online for TEE December-2023 is 15-Oct-2023 18:00 PM without Late fee. Read More »

“The pattern of structural change in the Indian economy has deviated from the development pattern of Western and South Asian economies.” Examine this statement.

ANSWER: The statement asserting that the pattern of structural change in the Indian economy has deviated from the development pattern of Western and South Asian economies holds true when we closely analyze the trajectory of economic transformation in India. This examination involves comparing the structural changes in India’s economy with those in Western and South

“The pattern of structural change in the Indian economy has deviated from the development pattern of Western and South Asian economies.” Examine this statement. Read More »

“The question of Centre-State relations has become the focal point of discussion for a number of reasons”- Comment on this statement and point out the reasons for conflict between Centre and State.

ANSWER: The dynamics of Centre-State relations have indeed become a focal point of discussion in the context of Indian economic policy. This statement holds true due to several reasons that have shaped these relations and, at times, resulted in conflicts between the two entities. To understand this phenomenon comprehensively, we need to examine the historical,

“The question of Centre-State relations has become the focal point of discussion for a number of reasons”- Comment on this statement and point out the reasons for conflict between Centre and State. Read More »

Discuss in brief evolution of agricultural extension service system in India ?

ANSWER: Evolution of Agricultural Extension Services in India: A Brief Overview The agricultural extension service system in India has evolved significantly over the years, reflecting changing agricultural practices, technological advancements, and the need to address the diverse needs of the farming community. This evolution can be summarized into several distinct phases, each marked by specific

Discuss in brief evolution of agricultural extension service system in India ? Read More »

What are the essential ingredients of empowerment? Explain the role of the panchayats as an agent of political empowerment.

ANSWER: Empowerment is a multidimensional concept that lies at the heart of rural development in India. It involves equipping individuals and communities with the knowledge, resources, and agency needed to make informed decisions and participate actively in shaping their destinies. In this context, empowerment comprises several essential ingredients, and panchayats, as local self-governance institutions, play

What are the essential ingredients of empowerment? Explain the role of the panchayats as an agent of political empowerment. Read More »

What are socio-economic factors defining Gender?

ANSWER: WORD COUNT: 900 words Socio-Economic Factors Defining Gender: Unveiling the Complex Web Gender, the social construct that defines roles, expectations, opportunities, and experiences based on perceived differences between men and women, is profoundly influenced by socio-economic factors. These factors are the threads that weave the fabric of gender relations, shaping the lives of individuals

What are socio-economic factors defining Gender? Read More »

Explain Frank’s thesis of development and underdevelopment.

ANSWER: Andre Gunder Frank’s Dependency Theory: Rethinking Development and Underdevelopment Andre Gunder Frank, an influential economist and scholar, introduced the Dependency Theory, which offers a critical perspective on global economic relations and the disparities between developed and underdeveloped nations. This theory challenges the conventional understanding of development and underdevelopment and underscores the significance of historical

Explain Frank’s thesis of development and underdevelopment. Read More »

What is your view about surrogate motherhood? Does it liberate or enslave women using technology?

ANSWER: WORD COUNT: 224 Surrogate motherhood is a highly debated and multifaceted issue, with varying perspectives on whether it liberates or enslaves women. The answer to this question is not straightforward, as it depends on the specific circumstances and the regulatory framework in place. Proponents argue that surrogate motherhood can be a liberating choice for

What is your view about surrogate motherhood? Does it liberate or enslave women using technology? Read More »