Best Answer : Government of India Act 1935: Key Features in India’s Path to Autonomy” Slug: “government-india-act-1935-key-features
The Government of India Act 1935 was a significant piece of legislation that had a profound impact on the governance of British India. Here are the main features of the Act in a concise 250-word summary:
- Federal Structure: The Act introduced a federal system, creating provinces and princely states as separate entities, each with its own legislative and executive authority. It aimed to balance the interests of different regions and communities.
- Bicameral Legislatures: Provinces were granted bicameral legislatures, with an elected legislative assembly and a legislative council. However, the extent of autonomy and powers varied from province to province.
- Dyarchy Reformed: Dyarchy, which had been introduced in the 1919 Act, was retained in provinces but with reforms. Some subjects, such as law and order, were transferred entirely to ministers, reducing British control.
- Separate Electorates: The Act continued the system of separate electorates, ensuring representation for religious communities like Muslims, Sikhs, and others. This provision aimed to safeguard minority interests.
- Federal Legislature: A federal legislature was established with two houses: the Council of States and the Federal Assembly. Members were chosen through indirect elections and included representatives from provinces and princely states.
- Governor-General: The Governor-General was to act on the advice of an Executive Council with an Indian majority, providing a more prominent role for Indian leaders in the highest levels of government.
- Provincial Autonomy: The Act granted significant autonomy to provinces, enabling them to make laws on a wide range of subjects, including education, health, and agriculture. Provincial governments could also collect and retain their revenues.
- Reserved and Transferred Subjects: The Act divided powers between reserved (central) and transferred (provincial) subjects, outlining the areas under each government’s jurisdiction.
- Financial Provisions: The Act introduced financial autonomy for provinces, allowing them to manage their finances independently.
- Abolition of Dyarchy (1937): In 1937, the Act was implemented, and provinces were given autonomy with full control over all subjects, ending dyarchy.
The Government of India Act of 1935 represented a significant step toward self-governance in India, granting more legislative and administrative powers to Indian leaders and provincial governments. However, it remained incomplete as it was never fully implemented, and its provisions were temporarily suspended during World War II. Nevertheless, it laid the groundwork for the eventual framing of the Indian Constitution and the country’s independence in 1947.
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