What is your view about surrogate motherhood? Does it liberate or enslave women using technology?

ANSWER: WORD COUNT: 224 Surrogate motherhood is a highly debated and multifaceted issue, with varying perspectives on whether it liberates or enslaves women. The answer to this question is not straightforward, as it depends on the specific circumstances and the regulatory framework in place. Proponents argue that surrogate motherhood can be a liberating choice for […]

What is your view about surrogate motherhood? Does it liberate or enslave women using technology? Read More »

Write short notes on any five in about 100 words each:

a) Upanishad b) Sankara’s idea of avidya c) Relation between god and soul in Vishishtadvaita d) Vivekananda’s concept of Universal Religion e) Concept of Democracy in Ambedkar’s Philosophy f) Kashmir Shaivism g) Rasa-anumiti-vada h) vishesh ANSWER: a) Upanishad: Upanishads are ancient Indian texts that form the philosophical foundation of Hinduism. They are a collection of

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What do you understand with the statement, “world as mind independent reality”? Howdoes Nyaya prove its realism? Mention some of the possible objections against Nyaya’srealism.

ANSWER: WORD COUNT : 537 The statement “world as a mind-independent reality” refers to the philosophical stance that the external world exists independently of human perception, thought, or consciousness. In other words, it asserts that the physical and material reality we perceive around us has its existence and properties irrespective of whether there is any

What do you understand with the statement, “world as mind independent reality”? Howdoes Nyaya prove its realism? Mention some of the possible objections against Nyaya’srealism. Read More »

Explain the relationship between theory and paradigm.

Answer: Word Count: 558 words The relationship between theory and paradigm in sociology is fundamental to understanding how sociological knowledge is generated, organized, and applied. To grasp this relationship, it’s important to define these terms and explore how they intersect and influence each other. The Relationship Between Theory and Paradigm: In summary, the relationship between

Explain the relationship between theory and paradigm. Read More »

Discuss the causes and treatment of panic disorder.

ANSWER: Word Count: 1,032 words Causes and Treatment of Panic Disorder Panic disorder is a debilitating mental health condition characterized by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks. These attacks involve intense fear and discomfort, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as a racing heart, shortness of breath, and sweating. Understanding the causes and effective treatments for

Discuss the causes and treatment of panic disorder. Read More »

Critically discuss Das, Naglieri and Kirby’s PASS theory.

ANSWER: Word Count: 1,052 words Das, Naglieri, and Kirby’s PASS theory is a contemporary cognitive theory that offers valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of cognitive processes, particularly in the domains of planning, attention, simultaneous processing, and successive processing. This theory provides a framework for understanding how individuals process information, solve problems, and adapt to

Critically discuss Das, Naglieri and Kirby’s PASS theory. Read More »

Discuss the structure and functions of language.

WORD COUNT=1000 ANSWER: Structure and Functions of Language in Cognitive Psychology, Learning, and Memory Language is a multifaceted and intricate system that serves as a fundamental aspect of human cognition and communication. It plays a pivotal role in how we think, learn, remember, and interact with the world around us. In the context of cognitive

Discuss the structure and functions of language. Read More »

Discuss the role of Mahatma Gandhi in the Indian National Movement?

(BDP BA ) Answer: Mahatma Gandhi, often referred to as the “Father of the Nation” in India, played a pivotal and transformative role in the Indian National Movement for independence from British colonial rule. His leadership, philosophy, and activism had a profound impact on the movement, shaping its strategies, goals, and outcomes. Here, we will

Discuss the role of Mahatma Gandhi in the Indian National Movement? Read More »

What do you understand by the term post-industrial society? Discuss

(BDP BA ) Answer: A post-industrial society is a term used to describe a phase of socio-economic development that follows industrialization. It represents a significant shift in the structure of an economy and society, characterized by the declining importance of traditional manufacturing industries and the rise of service-based industries, technology, and knowledge-based activities. This transition

What do you understand by the term post-industrial society? Discuss Read More »