Discuss the participatory approach to social research. Compare and contrast it with conventional research methodologies. (500 words)

Programme Code : MSOCourse Code : MSO-002Assignment Code: MSO-002/AST/TMA/2024-25 The participatory approach to social research, often referred to as participatory research or participatory action research (PAR), emphasizes collaboration between researchers and participants. This approach aims to involve community members directly in the research process, ensuring that their perspectives and knowledge significantly influence the research outcomes. […]

Discuss the participatory approach to social research. Compare and contrast it with conventional research methodologies. (500 words) Read More »

Explain the comparative method. Discuss its scope in social science research. (500 words)

Programme Code : MSOCourse Code : MSO-002Assignment Code: MSO-002/AST/TMA/2024-25 The comparative method is a research approach used in social sciences to understand and analyze similarities and differences between various cases or instances. It involves comparing different societies, cultures, political systems, or social phenomena to draw conclusions about their characteristics and underlying causes. How the Comparative

Explain the comparative method. Discuss its scope in social science research. (500 words) Read More »

What is positivism? Discuss Giddens’s critique of positivism (500 words)

Programme Code : MSOCourse Code : MSO-002Assignment Code: MSO-002/AST/TMA/2024-25 Positivism is a philosophical approach that advocates the application of the scientific method and empirical standards to the study of society. It asserts that knowledge should be derived from observable phenomena and empirical evidence rather than from metaphysical speculation or subjective interpretations. The core ideas of

What is positivism? Discuss Giddens’s critique of positivism (500 words) Read More »

What is phenomenology? Explain with reference to the contribution of Martin Heideggar to understand phenomenology? (Best 500 words)

Programme Code : MSOCourse Code : MSO-002Assignment Code: MSO-002/AST/TMA/2024-25 Phenomenology is a philosophical method and movement that seeks to explore and describe the structures of experience and consciousness. It aims to examine how things appear to us, focusing on direct, lived experiences rather than abstract theories or concepts. Founded by Edmund Husserl in the early

What is phenomenology? Explain with reference to the contribution of Martin Heideggar to understand phenomenology? (Best 500 words) Read More »

Discuss Karl Marx’s perspective on class? (500 words)

Programme Code: MSOCourse Code: MSO-001Assignment Code: MSO-001/AST/TMA/2024-25 Karl Marx’s perspective on class is central to his analysis of society, politics, and economics. Marx viewed class not simply as a social category but as a fundamental structure of economic relationships that shaped history, society, and the way power is distributed. His class theory is part of

Discuss Karl Marx’s perspective on class? (500 words) Read More »

Examine the relationship between identity and identification.(500 words)

Programme Code: MSOCourse Code: MSO-001Assignment Code: MSO-001/AST/TMA/2024-25 The concepts of identity and identification are closely related, but they refer to different aspects of how individuals or groups see themselves and are recognized in society. Understanding the relationship between the two helps to grasp how personal and social identities are formed, maintained, and expressed. Identity Identity

Examine the relationship between identity and identification.(500 words) Read More »

What is citizenship? Discuss its various types.(500 words)

Programme Code: MSOCourse Code: MSO-001Assignment Code: MSO-001/AST/TMA/2024-25 Citizenship refers to the legal and social status that an individual has within a particular country, granting them certain rights and responsibilities. It establishes a relationship between the individual and the state, where the citizen is entitled to rights such as voting, freedom of speech, and protection by

What is citizenship? Discuss its various types.(500 words) Read More »

What is modernity? Discuss Giddens’ concept of modernity. (500 words)

Programme Code: MSOCourse Code: MSO-001Assignment Code: MSO-001/AST/TMA/2024-25 Modernity refers to the social, cultural, economic, and political conditions that emerged primarily in Europe between the 16th and 19th centuries, and that have continued to shape the world today. It is characterized by the transition from traditional, rural societies to more urban, industrialized, and rationalized societies. The

What is modernity? Discuss Giddens’ concept of modernity. (500 words) Read More »

What is power? Discuss the sources of power. (500 words)

Programme Code: MSOCourse Code: MSO-001Assignment Code: MSO-001/AST/TMA/2024-25 Power is the ability to influence or control the behavior of people, groups, or institutions to achieve desired outcomes. It plays a central role in social relationships, politics, economics, and institutions, determining how decisions are made and who holds authority in a society. Power is not just about

What is power? Discuss the sources of power. (500 words) Read More »

Discuss the contribution of Levi-Strauss and Edmund Leach to theunderstanding ofsocial structure. (500 words)

Programme Code: MSOCourse Code: MSO-001Assignment Code: MSO-001/AST/TMA/2024-25 Claude Lévi-Strauss and Edmund Leach made significant contributions to the understanding of social structure through their anthropological studies, especially in their focus on kinship, myths, and social organization. Both scholars are associated with structuralism, a theoretical approach that looks at the underlying structures that shape society, much like

Discuss the contribution of Levi-Strauss and Edmund Leach to theunderstanding ofsocial structure. (500 words) Read More »