Critically evaluate the market control of Alauddin Khalji ? (250 words )

Best Answer : Alauddin Khalji’s Market Control: Evaluating Economic Reforms in Medieval India

Critically Evaluating Alauddin Khalji’s Market Control

Alauddin Khalji, the second ruler of the Khalji dynasty in the Delhi Sultanate, is renowned for his ambitious economic reforms, particularly his attempts to exercise strict control over markets. While his policies aimed to stabilize prices, ensure an adequate supply of food, and generate revenue for the state, they also had their drawbacks and consequences that warrant a critical evaluation.


  1. Price Control: Alauddin implemented a system of price control known as the “Diwani” or “Market Control.” This involved state intervention to fix prices of essential commodities. The intention was to make goods affordable for the common people.
  2. Adequate Food Supply: His policies also focused on maintaining a steady food supply. Alauddin implemented regulations to ensure that the market had sufficient food grains to prevent famines or shortages.
  3. Tax Reforms: To support his ambitious military campaigns and administrative machinery, Alauddin introduced new tax policies. The introduction of the “dagh” system and other tax innovations generated substantial revenue for the state.


  1. Bureaucratic Corruption: The price control system led to an extensive bureaucracy overseeing market activities. This bureaucracy became susceptible to corruption, with officials engaging in black-marketing and hoarding.
  2. Inefficiencies: The price control system was complex and sometimes led to inefficiencies in the distribution of goods. Some commodities, like fruits and vegetables, were not adequately regulated, leading to price fluctuations.
  3. Resentment: Alauddin’s market control policies, which included punitive measures for violations, earned him the resentment of traders and merchants. The state’s intrusion into market affairs often clashed with the traditional trading practices.
  4. Long-Term Consequences: Alauddin’s economic policies, while generating revenue in the short term, had long-term consequences for the economy. They discouraged trade and commerce and contributed to the decline of urban centers in the region.

In a critical evaluation, Alauddin Khalji’s market control measures, while addressing immediate concerns of price stability and food supply, had several negative repercussions. The bureaucracy that was established to enforce these policies became corrupt, and the interventions in the market disrupted traditional trade practices. Furthermore, the long-term consequences were detrimental to economic growth and urban development. While his administration left a mark on the economic history of medieval India, it remains a subject of historical debate due to its mixed outcomes and its impact on trade and commerce in the region.

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