
How do you study tribes under colonialism? Discuss.(500 words)

Course Code: MHI-106 Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 Studying tribes under colonialism involves examining how colonial powers impacted the social, economic, and political lives of indigenous communities. During the colonial period, particularly under British rule in India, tribes were often viewed as “backward” or “primitive” and were subjected to various forms of exploitation, marginalization, and control. The […]

How do you study tribes under colonialism? Discuss.(500 words) Read More »

Discuss the origin and rise of the Rajputs with reference to the researches of B.D. Chattopadhyaya and N. Zeigler? (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 The origin and rise of the Rajputs, a warrior class in North and Central India, has been a subject of scholarly debate. Historians have offered various interpretations, with two notable contributions coming from B.D. Chattopadhyaya and Norma Zeigler. These scholars explored the complexities surrounding the social and political formation of

Discuss the origin and rise of the Rajputs with reference to the researches of B.D. Chattopadhyaya and N. Zeigler? (500 words) Read More »

Comment on the nature of rural society in the peninsular India? (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 The rural society of peninsular India during the early medieval period (roughly 6th to 13th century CE) was complex and shaped by various political, economic, and social factors. This region, which includes modern-day South India, witnessed the rise of powerful regional kingdoms like the Chalukyas, Pallavas, Cholas, and later, the

Comment on the nature of rural society in the peninsular India? (500 words) Read More »

Discuss the nature of castes and jatis in the early medieval period? (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 In the early medieval period (roughly from the 6th to the 12th century CE), the concepts of caste (varna) and jatis (sub-castes) became deeply entrenched in Indian society. This period witnessed significant changes in the social and economic structure due to political decentralization, the rise of new regional kingdoms, and

Discuss the nature of castes and jatis in the early medieval period? (500 words) Read More »

Comment on the socio-religious and intellectual ferment that marked the rise ofBuddhism and Jainism? (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 The rise of Buddhism and Jainism in the 6th century BCE occurred during a period of significant socio-religious and intellectual ferment in ancient India. This era, often referred to as the Second Urbanization, witnessed profound changes in the social, economic, and religious fabric of the region, particularly in the Gangetic

Comment on the socio-religious and intellectual ferment that marked the rise ofBuddhism and Jainism? (500 words) Read More »

What do rituals reveal about the nature of society in the Vedic period? Elaborate. (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 Rituals played a central role in the social, religious, and political life of the Vedic period (c. 1500 BCE to 500 BCE) in ancient India. The Vedic period is named after the Vedas, the sacred texts of the time, which contain hymns, prayers, and rituals dedicated to various gods. The

What do rituals reveal about the nature of society in the Vedic period? Elaborate. (500 words) Read More »

Comment on the nature of the society in the Palaeolithic period. (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 The Palaeolithic period, also known as the Old Stone Age, is the earliest phase of human history, lasting from about 2.5 million years ago to around 10,000 BCE. This period marks the time when humans first began using simple stone tools. The nature of society during this time was shaped

Comment on the nature of the society in the Palaeolithic period. (500 words) Read More »

Discuss the role of objectivity and interpretation in writing the history of ancient India? (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-106 Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 The Role of Objectivity and Interpretation in Writing the History of Ancient India When we write about history, it’s important to understand two key ideas: objectivity and interpretation. These ideas help historians study and explain what happened in the past. Let’s explore how both objectivity and interpretation are used

Discuss the role of objectivity and interpretation in writing the history of ancient India? (500 words) Read More »

Answer in about 250 words each. i) Medieval women as property holders ii) Bridges in medieval period. iii) Agra as an important entreport in the 17th century iv) Karkhana and the artisans

Course Code: MHI-105 Assignment Code: MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 i) Medieval Women as Property Holders In medieval India, the status and rights of women as property holders varied significantly depending on regional, social, and religious contexts. However, in general, medieval women did hold property under certain circumstances. Role and Rights: Inheritance and Dowries: Women could inherit property from

Answer in about 250 words each. i) Medieval women as property holders ii) Bridges in medieval period. iii) Agra as an important entreport in the 17th century iv) Karkhana and the artisans Read More »

Discuss the basic feature of the organisation of postal communication in Mughal India? (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-105 Assignment Code: MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 The organization of postal communication in Mughal India was a sophisticated and well-organized system that facilitated administration, trade, and personal communication across the vast empire. Here’s an overview of its basic features: 1. Centralized Postal System 2. Dak Chowkis and Dak Garh 3. Postal Routes 4. Horse Riders and

Discuss the basic feature of the organisation of postal communication in Mughal India? (500 words) Read More »