
Discuss the causes of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ The disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the end of one of the most powerful empires in history. Its collapse was the result of multiple political, economic, and social factors that accumulated over decades. Here are the main causes that led to the disintegration of the […]

Discuss the causes of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. (500 words) Read More »

Examine contribution of modern education system in knowledge revolution

Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ The modern education system has played a crucial role in the knowledge revolution, which refers to the rapid and widespread increase in access to and dissemination of knowledge, particularly over the last few centuries. The development of organized education has shaped the way societies create, share, and apply

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Write a note on the rise and development of Cold War. (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ The Rise and Development of the Cold War The Cold War was a prolonged period of geopolitical tension between the United States (and its Western allies) and the Soviet Union (and its Eastern bloc allies) that lasted from the end of World War II in 1945 until the

Write a note on the rise and development of Cold War. (500 words) Read More »

Answer in about 250 words each. i) Secular life in Renaissance ii) Science versus Religion iii) Bourgeois culture iv) Stages of colonisation

Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ i) Secular Life in the Renaissance The Renaissance (14th–17th centuries) marked a shift from medieval religious life to a focus on secularism—worldly concerns and human achievements. During this period, European society experienced a revival in art, literature, science, and philosophy, influenced by the rediscovery of ancient Greek and

Answer in about 250 words each. i) Secular life in Renaissance ii) Science versus Religion iii) Bourgeois culture iv) Stages of colonisation Read More »

Analyse the theoretical approaches towards the process of decolonization. (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ The process of decolonization refers to the dismantling of colonial empires and the emergence of independent nation-states, primarily in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean, after World War II. It was a significant geopolitical event that involved the withdrawal of European powers from their colonies. Theories of decolonization seek

Analyse the theoretical approaches towards the process of decolonization. (500 words) Read More »

Describe the major stages of formation of the Socialist Economy in the Soviet. (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ The formation of the Socialist Economy in the Soviet Union occurred in distinct stages, reflecting the leadership’s efforts to reshape the economy based on socialist principles after the Russian Revolution of 1917. Below are the major stages: 1. War Communism (1918–1921) During the Russian Civil War, the Bolsheviks

Describe the major stages of formation of the Socialist Economy in the Soviet. (500 words) Read More »

Define welfare state. How did the British policy progress from charity to welfare?

Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ Welfare State A welfare state is a system in which the government takes responsibility for the well-being of its citizens by providing social services such as healthcare, education, unemployment benefits, pensions, and housing assistance. The goal of a welfare state is to ensure that all individuals, especially the

Define welfare state. How did the British policy progress from charity to welfare? Read More »

Discuss the role of French Revolution in the emergence of new political culture. (500 words)

Course Code: MHI-102Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ The French Revolution (1789–1799) was a major event that completely changed France and had a big impact on the world. It was not just about overthrowing a king, but about changing how people thought about power, equality, and rights. The revolution introduced new political ideas and led to the

Discuss the role of French Revolution in the emergence of new political culture. (500 words) Read More »

Short Notes :- i) Martin luther ii) Puritanism iii) Knights iv) Hundi (suftaja)

Course Code: MHI-101 Assignment Code: MHI-101/AST/ TMA/2024-25 i) Martin Luther Martin Luther (1483–1546) was a German monk, theologian, and key figure in the Protestant Reformation. He is best known for challenging the practices of the Catholic Church, particularly the sale of indulgences—payments made to the Church for the forgiveness of sins. In 1517, Luther famously

Short Notes :- i) Martin luther ii) Puritanism iii) Knights iv) Hundi (suftaja) Read More »

Give an account of the Banjaras as a trading group in India ? (500words)

Course Code: MHI-101 Assignment Code: MHI-101/AST/ TMA/2024-25- The Banjaras were an important group of traders in medieval India. They played a major role in transporting goods across the country long before modern transportation like trucks and trains existed. The Banjaras were known for their nomadic lifestyle, meaning they traveled from place to place with their

Give an account of the Banjaras as a trading group in India ? (500words) Read More »