
Indian Philosophy

Write short notes on any five in about 100 words each:

a) Upanishad b) Sankara’s idea of avidya c) Relation between god and soul in Vishishtadvaita d) Vivekananda’s concept of Universal Religion e) Concept of Democracy in Ambedkar’s Philosophy f) Kashmir Shaivism g) Rasa-anumiti-vada h) vishesh ANSWER: a) Upanishad: Upanishads are ancient Indian texts that form the philosophical foundation of Hinduism. They are a collection of […]

Write short notes on any five in about 100 words each: Read More »

What do you understand with the statement, “world as mind independent reality”? Howdoes Nyaya prove its realism? Mention some of the possible objections against Nyaya’srealism.

ANSWER: WORD COUNT : 537 The statement “world as a mind-independent reality” refers to the philosophical stance that the external world exists independently of human perception, thought, or consciousness. In other words, it asserts that the physical and material reality we perceive around us has its existence and properties irrespective of whether there is any

What do you understand with the statement, “world as mind independent reality”? Howdoes Nyaya prove its realism? Mention some of the possible objections against Nyaya’srealism. Read More »