
Globalisation and Environment

8. Write short notes on the following: i. Chilka Bachao Andolan and Chipko Movement ii. Seed Suicides in India iii. Indicators of Sustainability of Food Security iv. Environmentally Sound Technologies v. Environmental Ethics; and vi. Role of Judiciary in Curbing Air Pollution

(i) Chilka Bachao Andolan and Chipko Movement A. Chilka Bachao Andolan (Save Chilka Movement) Introduction The Chilka Bachao Andolan was a mass environmental movement aimed at protecting Chilka Lake, India’s largest coastal lagoon, from ecological degradation due to commercial prawn farming. Key Issues Protests and Impact B. Chipko Movement (1973) Introduction The Chipko Movement (hug-the-trees […]

8. Write short notes on the following: i. Chilka Bachao Andolan and Chipko Movement ii. Seed Suicides in India iii. Indicators of Sustainability of Food Security iv. Environmentally Sound Technologies v. Environmental Ethics; and vi. Role of Judiciary in Curbing Air Pollution Read More »

7. Define NGOs. Explain Their Origin and Briefly Discuss the Different Perspectives of NGOs.

1. Introduction Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are independent, non-profit entities that work toward social, environmental, humanitarian, and economic development without direct control by governments. NGOs play a critical role in advocacy, public policy, disaster relief, environmental protection, and human rights. They function at local, national, and international levels, collaborating with governments, private entities, and civil society

7. Define NGOs. Explain Their Origin and Briefly Discuss the Different Perspectives of NGOs. Read More »

6. Discuss Briefly the Environmental Concerns of South Asia with Special Reference to Sri Lanka.

Introduction South Asia is one of the most environmentally vulnerable regions in the world due to rapid industrialization, deforestation, climate change, and poor environmental governance. The region is home to diverse ecosystems, including Himalayan glaciers, tropical forests, and coastal areas, all of which face severe environmental challenges. Among South Asian nations, Sri Lanka has its

6. Discuss Briefly the Environmental Concerns of South Asia with Special Reference to Sri Lanka. Read More »

5. Mention Any Five Multilateral Agreements Related to Transnational Air Pollution. Discuss the World Bank’s Environmental Agenda.

1. Five Multilateral Agreements Related to Transnational Air Pollution Transnational air pollution occurs when pollutants travel across national borders, affecting global air quality, climate, and ecosystems. To address this, several multilateral agreements have been established. A. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) – 1979 B. Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

5. Mention Any Five Multilateral Agreements Related to Transnational Air Pollution. Discuss the World Bank’s Environmental Agenda. Read More »

4. Write short notes on the following: i. Rio +5 and Rio +10 ii. Biodiversity Convention iii. UNEP

(i) Rio +5 and Rio +10 Introduction The Rio Summit (Earth Summit) of 1992 was a landmark international conference that established key principles for sustainable development. To assess its progress, follow-up summits were held at Rio +5 (1997) and Rio +10 (2002). A. Rio +5 (1997) – Five Years After the Earth Summit B. Rio

4. Write short notes on the following: i. Rio +5 and Rio +10 ii. Biodiversity Convention iii. UNEP Read More »

2. Distinguish between : (i) Floods and droughts (ii) Sudden and Insidious disasters

(i) Floods and Droughts Introduction Floods and droughts are extreme weather phenomena that significantly impact ecosystems, agriculture, human settlements, and economic activities. While floods involve an excess of water, droughts occur due to prolonged water scarcity. Both are intensified by climate change, deforestation, poor water management, and urbanization. A. Definition and Causes 1. Floods Floods

2. Distinguish between : (i) Floods and droughts (ii) Sudden and Insidious disasters Read More »

3. What is Meant by the North-South Divide? Discuss the Role of MNCs, TNCs, and IFIs in Economic Globalisation.

Introduction The North-South Divide is a term used to describe the economic and political differences between developed nations (Global North) and developing or underdeveloped nations (Global South). It highlights disparities in income, industrialization, technological advancements, and living standards. While the Global North consists of industrialized countries like the U.S., Canada, and European nations, the Global

3. What is Meant by the North-South Divide? Discuss the Role of MNCs, TNCs, and IFIs in Economic Globalisation. Read More »

1. Briefly Discuss the Greenhouse Effect on the Earth. Explain How Globalisation is Responsible for Large-Scale Disruption of Ecosystems.

Introduction The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that helps maintain the Earth’s temperature by trapping heat in the atmosphere. However, due to human activities, this effect has intensified, leading to global warming and climate change. One of the major contributors to this crisis is globalisation, which has accelerated industrialization, deforestation, pollution, and resource exploitation,

1. Briefly Discuss the Greenhouse Effect on the Earth. Explain How Globalisation is Responsible for Large-Scale Disruption of Ecosystems. Read More »