

SAARC and its role

MASTER OF POLITICAL SCIENCE | FIRST YEAR | INDIA AND THE WORLD | MPSE-001 ANSWER: The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is a regional intergovernmental organization established in 1985 to promote regional cooperation and development in South Asia. SAARC consists of eight member states in the South Asian region, making it a significant […]

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Explain India’s major doctrines dealing with neighbouring countries. Has it been successful?

MASTER OF POLITICAL SCIENCE | FIRST YEAR | INDIA AND THE WORLD | MPSE-001 ANSWER :  India has formulated several significant foreign policy doctrines and approaches when it comes to its neighboring countries. These doctrines reflect India’s strategic interests, its desire for regional stability, and its commitment to peaceful coexistence. Here are some of India’s

Explain India’s major doctrines dealing with neighbouring countries. Has it been successful? Read More »

What are the main institutions which frame the foreign policy of India? How do they work together?

MASTER OF POLITICAL SCIENCE | FIRST YEAR | INDIA AND THE WORLD | MPSE-001 ANSWER : The foreign policy of India is shaped by a combination of key institutions and actors. These institutions work together to formulate, implement, and execute India’s foreign policy objectives. Here’s an overview of the main institutions that play a pivotal

What are the main institutions which frame the foreign policy of India? How do they work together? Read More »

What are the objectives of India’s foreign policy? Explain the different approaches.

| MPSE-001 | INDIA AND THE WORLD | Foreign Policies are a set of plan of action for diplomatic dealings with International nations and bodies and regional grouping. The foreign policy of India aims to maintain international peace and security, to oppose imperialism, to stand against the apartheid policy, to propagate the peaceful and political

What are the objectives of India’s foreign policy? Explain the different approaches. Read More »