Master’s Degree Programme
in Sociology

Discuss the Impact of Decentralised Development

Decentralised development refers to the process of transferring authority and responsibility for planning, decision-making, and implementation of development activities from central or higher levels of government to local governments, community organizations, or non-governmental institutions. This approach aims to make governance more participatory, responsive, and tailored to the needs of local communities. Decentralisation has a significant […]

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Critical Role of Media in the Growth and Governance of Cities

Critical Role of Media in Urban Growth 1. Information Dissemination: – The media informs citizens about urban development projects, policy changes, and civic issues, fostering awareness and participation. – Example: Campaigns on cleanliness under the Swachh Bharat Mission were amplified through media channels, encouraging citizens to adopt better sanitation practices. 2. Promoting Civic Engagement: –

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What Do You Understand by Urban Planning? How Does It Help the Growth of Cities? Discuss

Urban Planning: An Overview Urban planning is the process of designing, organizing, and managing the physical, economic, and social development of urban areas. It involves creating strategies to improve land use, infrastructure, housing, transportation, and public services to ensure sustainable and efficient urban growth. Urban planning aims to balance the needs of current and future

What Do You Understand by Urban Planning? How Does It Help the Growth of Cities? Discuss Read More »

Compare and Contrast the Urban Formal and Informal Sectors of the Indian Economy

Compare and Contrast the Urban Formal and Informal Sectors of the Indian Economy The urban economy in India is characterized by a dual structure comprising the formal and informal sector. Both sectors play critical roles in urban economic development, providing employment and contributing to the country’s GDP. However, they differ significantly in terms of regulation,

Compare and Contrast the Urban Formal and Informal Sectors of the Indian Economy Read More »

Describe the Pattern of Urban Growth in India with Suitable Examples

Describe the Pattern of Urban Growth in India with Suitable Examples Urban growth in India has been a dynamic process shaped by factors such as industrialization, economic reforms, migration, and globalization. The growth patterns have evolved over time, reflecting the socio-economic changes and policy interventions in the country. From the expansion of colonial port cities

Describe the Pattern of Urban Growth in India with Suitable Examples Read More »

Is It True That Nuclear Families Are Found in Urban Areas While Joint Families Are Found in Rural Areas? Discuss

Is It True That Nuclear Families Are Found in Urban Areas While Joint Families Are Found in Rural Areas? Discuss The statement that nuclear families dominate urban areas while joint families are prevalent in rural areas reflects a general trend but is not an absolute rule. The family structure in India is influenced by several

Is It True That Nuclear Families Are Found in Urban Areas While Joint Families Are Found in Rural Areas? Discuss Read More »

What Do You Understand by ‘New Urban Sociology’? Who Were Its Pioneers?

What Do You Understand by ‘New Urban Sociology’? Who Were Its Pioneers? New Urban Sociology refers to a critical approach to studying urban spaces that emerged in the late 20th century. Unlike traditional urban sociology, which focused on spatial patterns and ecological models, new urban sociology examines the role of political economy, social inequality, and

What Do You Understand by ‘New Urban Sociology’? Who Were Its Pioneers? Read More »

How Many Types of Cities Are There? Give an Example of One of Them with Detail

How Many Types of Cities Are There? Give an Example of One of Them with Detail Cities around the world vary significantly based on their functions, size, history, and socio-economic characteristics. Urban sociologists and planners classify cities into various types to understand their unique roles and contributions to society. These classifications help analyze urban development

How Many Types of Cities Are There? Give an Example of One of Them with Detail Read More »

Describe the Ecological Park Theory and Discuss Its Major Contributions to Urban Sociology

Describe the Ecological Park Theory and Discuss Its Major Contributions to Urban Sociology The Ecological Park Theory, introduced by sociologists from the Chicago School of Sociology in the early 20th century, draws parallels between the dynamics of urban growth and ecological processes observed in nature. This theory emphasizes how competition, adaptation, and succession shape the

Describe the Ecological Park Theory and Discuss Its Major Contributions to Urban Sociology Read More »

Discuss the Characteristic Features of a City with Special Reference to E.W. Burgess’ Theory of Concentric Zone

Discuss the Characteristic Features of a City with Special Reference to E.W. Burgess’ Theory of Concentric Zone Introduction Ernest W. Burgess (1886–1966) was a prominent sociologist and a key figure of the Chicago School of Sociology. His work focused on urban studies, and he is best known for his Concentric Zone Theory, which explained the

Discuss the Characteristic Features of a City with Special Reference to E.W. Burgess’ Theory of Concentric Zone Read More »