Master’s Degree Programme
in Sociology

Education is a tool for women’s empowerment. Discuss

Education as a Tool for Women’s Empowerment Introduction Education is a fundamental right and a powerful tool for transforming the lives of individuals and communities. For women, education serves as a key driver of empowerment, enabling them to break free from the cycle of poverty, challenge societal norms, and achieve their full potential. In the […]

Education is a tool for women’s empowerment. Discuss Read More »

Democratization of Education: A Catalyst for Social Change and Mobility

Introduction Democratization of education refers to ensuring equal access to quality education for all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic status, caste, gender, or ethnicity. It emphasizes removing barriers to education and fostering inclusivity to empower marginalized communities. By bridging social divides, democratized education serves as a powerful tool for fostering social change and upward mobility.

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What role does education play in nation building in India ?

The Role of Education in Nation-Building in India Introduction Education is one of the most powerful tools for shaping a nation’s social, economic, and political fabric. In India, a country characterized by its vast diversity and complex challenges, education plays a central role in fostering unity, promoting development, and ensuring social progress. Since independence, education

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Illich’s Perspective on the Role of Education as Prescribed in “Deschooling Society”

Introduction Ivan Illich, a prominent social critic and philosopher, challenged the traditional role of institutionalized education in his groundbreaking book, Deschooling Society (1971). Illich argued that formal schooling perpetuates inequality, stifles creativity, and enforces conformity. He advocated for a decentralized and learner-driven approach to education, emphasizing the need to dismantle the institutionalized schooling system and replace

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The Role of Education in the Control of Masses

The Role of Education in the Control of Masses Education is a powerful social institution that influences individual behavior, shapes societal norms, and reinforces power structures. While education is often viewed as a tool for empowerment and enlightenment, it also plays a critical role in the control of masses by shaping ideologies, promoting conformity, and

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John Dewey’s View on Education

Introduction John Dewey (1859–1952) was a renowned American philosopher, psychologist, and educational theorist whose ideas revolutionized the field of education. As a leading proponent of pragmatism, Dewey emphasized the importance of experiential learning and the role of education in fostering democracy and social progress. His progressive approach to education focused on the needs of the

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Comparison of Functionalist and Conflict Theories in the Context of Education in India

Comparison of Functionalist and Conflict Theories in the Context of Education in India Education is a critical institution in any society, and sociological perspectives provide different ways to analyze its role and impact. Functionalist theory views education as a mechanism for maintaining social stability and preparing individuals for societal roles, while conflict theory sees it

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Differences Between Old Social Movements and New Social Movements

Differences Between Old Social Movements and New Social Movements Social movements are organized efforts by groups or communities to bring about or resist social, political, or cultural changes. They have evolved over time, reflecting the changing dynamics of societies. Old social movements and new social movements differ in their focus, strategies, and participants. Old Social

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The Brahminical Perspective on the Caste System in India

Introduction The caste system in India is one of the most rigid and enduring forms of social stratification, deeply rooted in the subcontinent’s history and culture. The Brahminical perspective, derived from ancient Hindu scriptures and texts, offers a justification and framework for the hierarchical organization of society. It views caste as a divine and immutable

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What is Social Development? Explain Various Models of Development

What is Social Development? Social development refers to the improvement of social, economic, and political conditions to ensure equitable opportunities for all individuals. It emphasizes addressing inequalities in access to resources, education, healthcare, and political participation while fostering human dignity and empowerment. Unlike purely economic growth, social development focuses on quality of life and inclusive

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