Write short notes in about 250 words each on any two of the following: a) Role of the Constituent Assembly, 1946-49 b) Poona Pact, 1932 c) Nationalists and the Workers in the Early Phase d) Pakistan Demand and its Consequences.
Course Code: MHI-109Assignment Code: MHI-109/AST/ TMA/2024-25 a) Role of the Constituent Assembly, 1946-49...
Analyse the main strengths and weaknesses of the legacies of the Indian national movement?(500 words)
Course Code: MHI-109Assignment Code: MHI-109/AST/ TMA/2024-25 The Indian National Movement, which led...
How did the Gandhian method of mass mobilisation succeed in bringing women into public life?
Course Code: MHI-109Assignment Code: MHI-109/AST/ TMA/2024-25 Mahatma Gandhi’s method of mass mobilization,...
Discuss the association of nationalism with the peasant movements in UP and Bihar during the 1920s and 1930s ? (500words)
Course Code: MHI-109Assignment Code: MHI-109/AST/ TMA/2024-25 In the 1920s and 1930s, the peasant movements...
Discuss the prelude to the Quit India Movement. What was the impact of the Quit India Movement? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-109Assignment Code: MHI-109/AST/ TMA/2024-25 The Quit India Movement, launched by the...
Write short notes in about 250 words each on any two of the following: a) The Subaltern View on Indian National Movement b) Political mobilisation in the Princely States c) Political ideas of the Swaraj Party d) Achievements of the Congress Ministries during 1937-39.
Course Code: MHI-109Assignment Code: MHI-109/AST/ TMA/2024-25 a) The Subaltern View on Indian National...
Analyse the successes and failures of the Civil Disobedience Movement. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-109Assignment Code: MHI-109/AST/ TMA/2024-25 The Civil Disobedience Movement, launched...
Write a note on the Revolt of 1857? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-109 Assignment Code: MHI-109/AST/ TMA/2024-25 The Revolt of 1857 The Revolt of 1857,...
Discuss the nature of the Khilafat movement and its role in the Non-cooperation movement?(500words)
Course Code: MHI-109Assignment Code: MHI-109/AST/ TMA/2024-25 The Khilafat Movement and its role in the...
Compare the modernist and non-modernist theories about the emergence of nations and nationalism. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-109 Assignment Code: MHI-109/AST/ TMA/2024-25 Modernist and non-modernist theories offer...
Answer in about 250 words each:- i) Early Census ii) Bird Heiglers & Co. iii) Globalisation iv) Economic Reforms in the 1990s
Course Code: MHI-107 Assignment Code: MHI-107/AST/TMA/24-25 i) Early Census The early censuses in India,...
What impact did bank nationalization had on the development of credit market, savings and investments? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-107 Assignment Code: MHI-107/AST/TMA/24-25 The nationalization of banks in India, which...
Analyze the nature of Indian economic growth in the first three five year plans? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-107 Assignment Code: MHI-107/AST/TMA/24-25 The Indian economic growth during the first...
Critically examine women’s employability in colonial India. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-107 Assignment Code: MHI-107/AST/TMA/24-25 The employability of women in colonial India...
Critically examine Morris D. Morris’ argument that there was ‘not much direct evidence of the decline of India’s traditional industries.’ (500words)
Course Code: MHI-107 Assignment Code: MHI-107/AST/TMA/24-25 Morris D. Morris, a prominent economic historian,...
Answer in about 250 words each i)Rise of European Private Trade ii) Impact of Indian Commercialisation iii) Herschell Committee Report iv) Customary Rights of Forest-Dwellers
Course Code: MHI-107 Assignment Code: MHI-107/AST/TMA/24-25 i) Rise of European Private Trade The rise...
Analyze the impact of colonial interventions on tribal economy. (500words)
Course Code: MHI-107 Assignment Code: MHI-107/AST/TMA/24-25 Colonial interventions had a profound impact...
Critically examine recent arguments pertaining to drain of wealth. (500words)
Course Code: MHI-107 Assignment Code: MHI-107/AST/TMA/24-25 The “drain of wealth” is a concept...
What role did the India merchants play in India’s trading economy during the late 19th century? (500words)
Course Code: MHI-107 Assignment Code: MHI-107/AST/TMA/24-25 In the late 19th century, Indian merchants...
‘The eighteenth century was a century of universal decline.’ Comment.
Course Code: MHI-107 Assignment Code: MHI-107/AST/TMA/24-25 The statement “The eighteenth century...
Comment on the nature of social structures of the North East India under the colonial rule? (500words)
Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 The social structures of North East India...
Comment on the participation of women in the national movement? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 The participation of women in the Indian...
How do you study tribes under colonialism? Discuss.(500 words)
Course Code: MHI-106 Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 Studying tribes under colonialism involves...
Discuss the origin and rise of the Rajputs with reference to the researches of B.D. Chattopadhyaya and N. Zeigler? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 The origin and rise of the Rajputs, a warrior...
Comment on the nature of rural society in the peninsular India? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 The rural society of peninsular India during...
Discuss the nature of castes and jatis in the early medieval period? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 In the early medieval period (roughly from...
Comment on the socio-religious and intellectual ferment that marked the rise ofBuddhism and Jainism? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 The rise of Buddhism and Jainism in the 6th...
What do rituals reveal about the nature of society in the Vedic period? Elaborate. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 Rituals played a central role in the social,...
Comment on the nature of the society in the Palaeolithic period. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-106Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 The Palaeolithic period, also known as the...
Discuss the role of objectivity and interpretation in writing the history of ancient India? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-106 Assignment Code: MHI-106/AST/TMA/2024-25 The Role of Objectivity and Interpretation...
Answer in about 250 words each. i) Medieval women as property holders ii) Bridges in medieval period. iii) Agra as an important entreport in the 17th century iv) Karkhana and the artisans
Course Code: MHI-105 Assignment Code: MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 i) Medieval Women as Property Holders In medieval...
Discuss the basic feature of the organisation of postal communication in Mughal India? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-105 Assignment Code: MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 The organization of postal communication in...
Analyze the role and significance of Sarrafs during medieval period in India. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-105 Assignment Code: MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 Sarrafs, also known as sarafs or moneylenders,...
Critically examine the methods of land revenue assessment under the Mughal. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-105 Assignment Code: MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 The Mughal Empire, which ruled large parts...
Analyse briefly the irrigation techniques used during the early medieval and medieval period in India ? (500words)
Course Code: MHI-105 Assignment Code: MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 During the early medieval and medieval periods...
Answer in about 250 words each. i) First farmers of Bihar and the Doab ii) Craft Specialisation: Harappan period iii) Fluvial routes iv) Urban centres: c.600 BCE to 300 CES
Course Code: MHI-105 Assignment Code: MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 i) First Farmers of Bihar and the Doab The...
Enumerate the importance of the silk route during c.600 BCE to 300 CE. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-105 Assignment Code: MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 The Silk Route, which refers to the network...
Examine the economy of the Satavahana and the Gupta empires on the basis of the study of coins? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-105 Assignment Code: MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 the Satavahana and Gupta empires through the...
To what extent geographical regions determined the agricultural map of India.
Course Code: MHI-105 Assignment Code: MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 Geographical regions significantly influenced...
Account for the recent trends in the economic history writings of Ancient India? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-105 Assignment Code: MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 Recent trends in the economic history writings...
Discuss the aspects of colonial North Eastern India as an Imperial Frontier. (500 words)
Assignment Code:MHI-104/ASST/TMA/2024-25 Colonial North Eastern India as an Imperial Frontier The northeastern...
Did the Civil Services under the colonial rule serve the function of being the steel’frame of the Empire?
Assignment Code:MHI-104/ASST/TMA/2024-25 Yes, the Civil Services under British colonial rule in India...
What was the nature of the Mughal administration? Discuss. (500 words)
Assignment Code:MHI-104/ASST/TMA/2024-25 Nature of Mughal Administration The Mughal administration (16th–18th...
Discuss the administration of the state during the Pandyan times. (500 words)
Assignment Code:MHI-104/ASST/TMA/2024-25 Administration of the Pandyan State The Pandyan dynasty, which...
Comment on the state during the Chola times. (500 words)
Assignment Code:MHI-104/ASST/TMA/2024-25 The Chola State: An Overview The Chola Empire (9th–13th century...
Write a note on the formation of the Kingdom of Malwa? (500 words)
Assignment Code:MHI-104/ASST/TMA/2024-25 The Formation of the Kingdom of Malwa The Kingdom of Malwa was...
Discuss the nature of state formation of the Vijayanagara kingdom? (500 words)
Assignment Code:MHI-104/ASST/TMA/2024-25 The Nature of State Formation of the Vijayanagara Kingdom The...
How have the modern historians looked at the state formation during the Delhi Sultanate period?Elaborate? (500 words)
Assignment Code:MHI-104/ASST/TMA/2024-25 Modern Historians’ View on State Formation During the Delhi...
Discuss the process of state formation of the Rajputs?
Assignment Code:MHI-104/ASST/TMA/2024-25 The Process of State Formation of the Rajputs The Rajputs are...
Write a note on the Satvahana state? (500 words)
Assignment Code:MHI-104/ASST/TMA/2024-25 The Satavahana State The Satavahana state was an ancient Indian...
Answer in about 250 words each: i) Environmental History ii) Colonial perception of caste iii) Feminist Historiography in India iv) Ethics in History-writing
Course Code: MHI-103 Assignment Code: MHI-103/AST/ TMA/2024-25 i) Environmental History Environmental...
Describe the important features of Indo-Persian tradition of history-writing during theMughal period. (500words)
Course Code: MHI-103 Assignment Code: MHI-103/AST/ TMA/2024-25 Important Features of Indo-Persian Tradition...
Describe the importat aspects of the mainstream Western historiography duringthe nineteenth century. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-103 Assignment Code: MHI-103/AST/ TMA/2024-25 Important Aspects of Mainstream Western...
Discuss the various types of historical sources which are important for history-writing. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-103Assignment Code: MHI-103/AST/ TMA/2024-25 Types of Historical Sources Important for...
Write a note on the Subaltern Studies in India. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-103 Assignment Code: MHI-103/AST/ TMA/2024-25 Subaltern Studies in India Subaltern Studies...
Answer in about 250 words each: i) Annales School ii) Historians and Causation iii) D.D. Kosambi and Indian Historiography iv) Microhistory
Course Code: MHI-103Assignment Code: MHI-103/AST/ TMA/2024-25 i) Annales School The Annales School is...
Discuss the distinctive features of traditional Chinese historiography.
Course Code: MHI-103 Assignment Code: MHI-103/AST/ TMA/2024-25 Distinctive Features of Traditional Chinese...
What is postmodernism? Discuss the postmodernist views on history. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-103 Assignment Code: MHI-103/AST/ TMA/2024-25 Postmodernism is a broad and complex movement...
Write a note on the colonial historiography on Indian history. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-103 Assignment Code: MHI-103/AST/ TMA/2024-25 Colonial Historiography on Indian History...
Write a note on the historiographical traditions in early India. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-103 Assignment Code: MHI-103/AST/ TMA/2024-25 Historiographical Traditions in Early India...
Answer in about 250 words each. i) Biological Invasion ii) Technological development in communication iii) Consumption under industrial capitalism iv) Culture Perspective of Globalization
Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ i) Biological Invasion Biological invasion occurs...
Explain different theories of demographic change. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-102Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ Theories of demographic change attempt to explain...
Discuss the causes of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ The disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991...
Examine contribution of modern education system in knowledge revolution
Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ The modern education system has played a crucial...
Write a note on the rise and development of Cold War. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ The Rise and Development of the Cold War The Cold...
Answer in about 250 words each. i) Secular life in Renaissance ii) Science versus Religion iii) Bourgeois culture iv) Stages of colonisation
Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ i) Secular Life in the Renaissance The Renaissance...
Analyse the theoretical approaches towards the process of decolonization. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ The process of decolonization refers to the dismantling...
Describe the major stages of formation of the Socialist Economy in the Soviet. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ The formation of the Socialist Economy in the...
Define welfare state. How did the British policy progress from charity to welfare?
Course Code: MHI-102 Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ Welfare State A welfare state is a system in which...
Discuss the role of French Revolution in the emergence of new political culture. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-102Assignment Code: MHI-102/AST/ TMA/ The French Revolution (1789–1799) was a major event...
Short Notes :- i) Martin luther ii) Puritanism iii) Knights iv) Hundi (suftaja)
Course Code: MHI-101 Assignment Code: MHI-101/AST/ TMA/2024-25 i) Martin Luther Martin Luther (1483–1546)...
Give an account of the Banjaras as a trading group in India ? (500words)
Course Code: MHI-101 Assignment Code: MHI-101/AST/ TMA/2024-25- The Banjaras were an important group of...
Give an account of India’s maritime trade in 15th century. (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-101 Assignment Code: MHI-101/AST/ TMA/2024-25 In the 15th century, India was a major...
Analyze the condition of different kinds of cultivators is manor?(500 words)
Course Code: MHI-101 Assignment Code: MHI-101/AST/ TMA/2024-25 In medieval Europe, much of the land was...
Short Note:- i) Uigher Empire ii) Confucianism iii) Lothal iv) Comitia curiata
Course Code: MHI-101 Assignment Code: MHI-101/AST/ TMA/2024-25 i) Uighur Empire The Uighur Empire (744–840...
What were the major monarchies of West Africa? (500words)
Course Code: MHI-101 Assignment Code: MHI-101/AST/ TMA/2024-25 West Africa has a rich history of powerful...
Discuss the ideas of ancient Greek philosophers? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-101 Assignment Code: MHI-101/AST/ TMA/2024-25 Ancient Greek philosophers were some of...
How did cyrus and Darius-I expand the persian Empire? (500 words)
Course Code: MHI-101 Assignment Code: MHI-101/AST/ TMA/2024-25 Cyrus the Great and Darius I were two of...
Discuss the importance of the shang civilization.(500 words)
Course Code: MHI-101 Assignment Code: MHI-101/AST/ TMA/2024-25 The Shang Dynasty, which ruled China from...
a) Environmental Approaches b) Feminist theory in International Relations.(400 words)
a) Environmental Approaches: Environmental approaches in the field of international relations focus on...
Critically analyze the socio-economic impact of commercialization during the colonial period.
MHI-05: HISTORY OF INDIAN ECONOMY The colonial period in India, characterized by the dominance of European...
Discuss the impact of European intervention on Indian merchants and trade during the eighteenth century.
MHI-05: HISTORY OF INDIAN ECONOMY Impact of European Intervention on Indian Merchants and Trade during...
Write a note on the business practices of medieval India with special reference to partnership and brokerage.
MHI-05: HISTORY OF INDIAN ECONOMY Medieval India was marked by a diverse range of business practices that...
Examine the nature and pattern of Mauryan economy.
MHI-05: HISTORY OF INDIAN ECONOMY The Mauryan Empire, which thrived in ancient India from approximately...
Discuss major approaches to the study of medieval economy.
MHI-05: HISTORY OF INDIAN ECONOMY Approaches to Studying the Medieval Economy The study of the medieval...
Analyze the judicial system prevailing in Ancient India.
MHI-04: POLITICAL STRUCTURES IN INDIA Analysis of the Judicial System in Ancient India The judicial system...
Write a note on the Mauryan administration.
MHI-04: POLITICAL STRUCTURES IN INDIA Mauryan Administration: A Pillar of Ancient Indian Governance The...
Write short notes in about 250 words each on the following: (a) The colonial military apparatus (b) The bureaucracy under the colonial state.
MHI-04: POLITICAL STRUCTURES IN INDIA (a): The colonial military apparatus (250 words) The colonial military...
Discuss the nature of sovereignty and administrative mechanism in the Princely states. (500 words)
MHI-04: POLITICAL STRUCTURES IN INDIA The princely states of India, relics of a bygone era, embodied a...
Analyze the various approaches to the study of early medieval polity. (500 words)
MHI-04: POLITICAL STRUCTURES IN INDIA ANSWER: The study of early medieval polity is indeed a multifaceted...
Discuss the genesis of consumerism. Briefly analyze the rise of the consumer movement.
MHI-02: MODERN WORLD ANSWER: Consumerism, the cultural phenomenon characterized by excessive consumption...
Define Democracy. Write a note on the challenges to democracy.
MHI-02: MODERN WORLD ANSWER: Democracy is a political system and form of government in which the power...
Discuss the development of modern society following industrialization and modernization.
MHI-02: MODERN WORLD ANSWER: Introduction The evolution of society is an intricate tapestry woven by the...
Explain the different ways in which the Renaissance contributed towards the making of a new world ?
MHI-02: MODERN WORLD ANSWER: The Renaissance, a cultural and intellectual movement that began in Italy...
Write a note on the political and cultural legacy of the French Revolution.
Discuss the overseas trade of Indian merchants in the 15th century. What was the impact of Portuguese on Indian overseas trade?
In the 15th century, Indian merchants were actively engaged in overseas trade, establishing significant...
Write a note on the Imperial State in pre-modern Chinese civilization.
The concept of the Imperial State in pre-modern China refers to a centralized, bureaucratic government...
Analyze the process of the decline of feudalism. Did the growth of urban centers contribute to the decline of feudalism?
The decline of feudalism was a complex historical process that occurred in Europe during the late Middle...
Give a detailed account of the various mediums used for writing and communication in different civilizations
Throughout history, various civilizations have developed unique mediums for writing and communication....
Discuss the impact of agriculture, invention of tools, and discovery of fire in the development of human society
The impact of agriculture, the invention of tools, and the discovery of fire on the development of human...