

(a) M.N. Roy’s Radical Humanism (b) Rabindranath Tagore’s critique of nationalism

[a] M.N. Roy’s Radical Humanism M.N. Roy (1887–1954) was a revolutionary, political thinker, and philosopher who played a significant role in shaping modern Indian thought. Initially a Marxist and a communist leader, he later developed his philosophy called Radical Humanism, which emphasized individual freedom, rationalism, and ethical politics. His ideas rejected both authoritarian socialism and […]

(a) M.N. Roy’s Radical Humanism (b) Rabindranath Tagore’s critique of nationalism Read More »

(a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan on Hindu–Muslim unity (b) E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker on Dravidian Mobilisation

[a] Sir Syed Ahmed Khan on Hindu–Muslim Unity Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817–1898) was a key intellectual and social reformer in 19th-century India. He played a significant role in modernizing Muslim society through education and socio-political reforms. While he is often associated with the foundation of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and Muslim modernity, he also

(a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan on Hindu–Muslim unity (b) E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker on Dravidian Mobilisation Read More »

(a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan on Hindu–Muslim unity (b) E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker on Dravidian Mobilisation

Role of Muslims in Anti-Imperialist Movement in Colonial India The anti-imperialist movement in colonial India was a broad struggle that included people from diverse religious, social, and economic backgrounds. While the movement was often led by figures from the Indian National Congress, Muslim leaders and communities played a crucial role in resisting British rule. Muslim

(a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan on Hindu–Muslim unity (b) E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker on Dravidian Mobilisation Read More »

Write a short note on each part of the following questions in about 250 words [a] Swami Vivekananda on Nationalism [b] Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia’s socialist thought

Swami Vivekananda on Nationalism Swami Vivekananda (1863–1902) was a prominent Indian monk, philosopher, and key figure in the introduction of Indian philosophies to the Western world. His views on nationalism were deeply intertwined with his spiritual and cultural beliefs, emphasizing a harmonious blend of national pride and universal spirituality. Vivekananda’s conception of nationalism was not

Write a short note on each part of the following questions in about 250 words [a] Swami Vivekananda on Nationalism [b] Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia’s socialist thought Read More »

Discuss Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s views on caste system and its annihilation.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (1891–1956) was a towering intellectual, social reformer, and the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. One of his most remarkable contributions lay in his analysis of the Hindu caste system and his call for its annihilation. Born into an “untouchable” community, Ambedkar faced caste-based discrimination firsthand. His experiences shaped his determination to

Discuss Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s views on caste system and its annihilation. Read More »

Examine M.S. Golwalkar’s views on negative and positive Hindutva.

M.S. Golwalkar (1906–1973) was a key figure in the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist organization in India. Golwalkar wrote several books and delivered many speeches on what he believed to be the essence of Hindu identity, society, and culture. He spoke about Hindutva, which is often translated as “Hindu-ness” or the cultural essence

Examine M.S. Golwalkar’s views on negative and positive Hindutva. Read More »

Examine the arrival of nationalism in early 19th century India.

Nationalism in India did not suddenly appear with the Indian National Congress in the late 19th century. Its roots can be traced back to various social, cultural, and political changes during the early 19th century. During this period, India was under the control of the British East India Company, which gradually established its power after

Examine the arrival of nationalism in early 19th century India. Read More »

Examine Sri Aurobindo’s critique of political moderates in Indian National Movements.

Sri Aurobindo (1872–1950) was a key figure in India’s freedom struggle, known for his intellectual, nationalist, and spiritual contributions. In the early stages of his political life, he was actively involved in criticizing the “moderate” faction of the Indian National Congress. These moderates believed in petitioning the British rulers for gradual reforms and argued that

Examine Sri Aurobindo’s critique of political moderates in Indian National Movements. Read More »

Discuss the inter-relationship between religion and polity in pre-modern Indian Political Thought.

In pre-modern India, religion and polity were deeply intertwined. Religious traditions often shaped political ideas, and rulers frequently used religious symbols and values to gain legitimacy. By “pre-modern,” we usually refer to the period before the major influences of colonialism and modern western ideas—roughly up to the 18th century. During this time, various dynasties, empires,

Discuss the inter-relationship between religion and polity in pre-modern Indian Political Thought. Read More »

What do you understand by self–determination ? Evaluate the debate on self–determination.(700 words)

Understanding Self-Determination: Self-determination is a complex and multifaceted concept rooted in political theory and international law. At its core, self-determination is the principle that people and communities have the right to determine their own political status, form of government, economic and cultural development, and the ability to pursue their own well-being. It is often associated

What do you understand by self–determination ? Evaluate the debate on self–determination.(700 words) Read More »