
4. Write short notes on the following: i. Rio +5 and Rio +10 ii. Biodiversity Convention iii. UNEP

(i) Rio +5 and Rio +10 Introduction The Rio Summit (Earth Summit) of 1992 was a landmark international conference that established key principles for sustainable development. To assess its progress, follow-up summits were held at Rio +5 (1997) and Rio +10 (2002). A. Rio +5 (1997) – Five Years After the Earth Summit B. Rio […]

4. Write short notes on the following: i. Rio +5 and Rio +10 ii. Biodiversity Convention iii. UNEP Read More »

2. Distinguish between : (i) Floods and droughts (ii) Sudden and Insidious disasters

(i) Floods and Droughts Introduction Floods and droughts are extreme weather phenomena that significantly impact ecosystems, agriculture, human settlements, and economic activities. While floods involve an excess of water, droughts occur due to prolonged water scarcity. Both are intensified by climate change, deforestation, poor water management, and urbanization. A. Definition and Causes 1. Floods Floods

2. Distinguish between : (i) Floods and droughts (ii) Sudden and Insidious disasters Read More »

3. What is Meant by the North-South Divide? Discuss the Role of MNCs, TNCs, and IFIs in Economic Globalisation.

Introduction The North-South Divide is a term used to describe the economic and political differences between developed nations (Global North) and developing or underdeveloped nations (Global South). It highlights disparities in income, industrialization, technological advancements, and living standards. While the Global North consists of industrialized countries like the U.S., Canada, and European nations, the Global

3. What is Meant by the North-South Divide? Discuss the Role of MNCs, TNCs, and IFIs in Economic Globalisation. Read More »

1. Briefly Discuss the Greenhouse Effect on the Earth. Explain How Globalisation is Responsible for Large-Scale Disruption of Ecosystems.

Introduction The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that helps maintain the Earth’s temperature by trapping heat in the atmosphere. However, due to human activities, this effect has intensified, leading to global warming and climate change. One of the major contributors to this crisis is globalisation, which has accelerated industrialization, deforestation, pollution, and resource exploitation,

1. Briefly Discuss the Greenhouse Effect on the Earth. Explain How Globalisation is Responsible for Large-Scale Disruption of Ecosystems. Read More »

8. Explain the following in about 250 words each: (a) Community-based Civil Society Initiatives on Sustainable Development (b) Integration of Scientific and Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Development (c) Sustainable Agriculture Practices (d) Innovative Practices in Sustainable Development of Water Resources

8. Explain the Following in About 250 Words Each: (a) Community-Based Civil Society Initiatives on Sustainable Development Introduction Community-based civil society initiatives play a crucial role in promoting sustainable development by mobilizing local participation, knowledge, and resources to address environmental, economic, and social issues. These initiatives focus on grassroots engagement, ecological conservation, and sustainable livelihoods.

8. Explain the following in about 250 words each: (a) Community-based Civil Society Initiatives on Sustainable Development (b) Integration of Scientific and Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Development (c) Sustainable Agriculture Practices (d) Innovative Practices in Sustainable Development of Water Resources Read More »

7. Explain the following in about 250 words each: (a) Cooperatives and Sustainable Development (b) Community knowledge in Sustainable Development (c) Road blocks to global initiatives (d) Regional initiatives for environmental protection

(a) Cooperatives and Sustainable Development Introduction Cooperatives are member-owned organizations that promote economic, social, and environmental sustainability. They operate based on democratic decision-making, shared resources, and profit redistribution, making them a key player in sustainable development. 1. Role of Cooperatives in Sustainable Development A. Economic Sustainability B. Social Sustainability C. Environmental Sustainability 2. Challenges Faced

7. Explain the following in about 250 words each: (a) Cooperatives and Sustainable Development (b) Community knowledge in Sustainable Development (c) Road blocks to global initiatives (d) Regional initiatives for environmental protection Read More »

6. Describe Various Indicators of Inequality with Suitable Examples.

Introduction Inequality is a major challenge in achieving social justice, economic growth, and sustainable development. It refers to the unequal distribution of resources, opportunities, and rights among individuals and communities. Various indicators help measure inequality in different aspects of society, such as income, education, health, gender, and access to resources. This essay explores the key

6. Describe Various Indicators of Inequality with Suitable Examples. Read More »

5. Explain Environmental Legislation and Its Implementation in India

Introduction Environmental legislation in India plays a crucial role in protecting natural resources, preventing pollution, and promoting sustainable development. These laws regulate industrial activities, forest conservation, biodiversity protection, and waste management. Over the years, India has enacted several laws, policies, and international agreements to address environmental concerns. However, despite having a strong legal framework, implementation

5. Explain Environmental Legislation and Its Implementation in India Read More »

4. Discuss Various Regional Issues Related to the Environment. Assess the Initiatives Taken Towards Environmental Protection to Achieve Sustainable Development.

Introduction Environmental issues vary regionally due to differences in climate, geography, industrialization, and human activities. While some regions face deforestation and biodiversity loss, others suffer from water scarcity, industrial pollution, or rising sea levels. These environmental challenges threaten sustainable development, making environmental protection policies essential. Governments, international organizations, and civil societies have introduced several initiatives

4. Discuss Various Regional Issues Related to the Environment. Assess the Initiatives Taken Towards Environmental Protection to Achieve Sustainable Development. Read More »

3. Explain the Key Governance Issues to Change the Rules and Power Structure Towards a Positive and Sustainable Livelihood.

Introduction Governance plays a crucial role in ensuring sustainability and promoting a just society. It refers to the decision-making processes, policies, and institutional structures that influence environmental conservation, economic development, and social equity. Achieving a positive and sustainable livelihood requires good governance, which includes transparency, accountability, public participation, and effective policymaking. However, governance faces several

3. Explain the Key Governance Issues to Change the Rules and Power Structure Towards a Positive and Sustainable Livelihood. Read More »